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Koukando ga Mieru - v1c3

Koukando ga Mieru you ni natta n da ga, Heroine ga Count Stop shite iru Ken

I Can View Others’ Affinity Stats, But She Has Maxed Out The Affinity Meter!
Author: Komaki Ryosuke

First Symptom

3 – I wanna talk to her #1


The next morning. When I saw the heart marks of my mother, Miku, and Haruki, I realized that it was not a dream. When I arrived at school, I saw that the number “30” appeared a lot. Perhaps it’s the number of the standard, and 30 means that they don’t think anything of me, either good or bad.


I didn’t know if it’s fortunate or not, but I haven’t seen anyone having a number below 30. Maybe that was why I felt so much pressure not to make a bad impression.


I sighed, feeling exhausted. As I was preparing my textbook for the next class, Miku came over to me.


“Touma, can you help me carry the printouts for the assignment?”
“Oh, sure.”


Printouts piled up on the teacher’s table. It was a homework assignment for modern Japanese. Because the printouts are quite a lot, it’s going to be tough for one person to carry it for forty students in the class. Miku and I took half of them and headed for the staff room.


“But there are always too many assignments for this class, aren’t there? Fujikawa-sensei’s class likeability is definitely low.”
“What? Yo, you’re right!”


I couldn’t help but overreact to the word “likeability” that came flying at me from Miku. Then, Miku narrowed her eyes and looked at me like she was looking at something strange.


“Touma, you’ve been acting really odd since yesterday. You’re not really doing anything weird, are you?”
“No, of course not, okay? I’m a rather exemplary student!”


Today, as well, Miku’s words were harsh. Well, it’s not a problem now since we’re on good terms.


As I looked forward with a sigh, I could see the staff room. Just when I thought I was almost there, the door to the teacher’s office suddenly opened. What a surprise, it was Kujou-san who came out of the door. She looked as beautiful as ever. However, I was more interested in the heart mark above her head that indicated her likeability to me.


Why is it 100……?


As I stared at the top of Kujou-san’s head, Miku bumped me on the shoulder. Then she started whispering.


“Look, there she is, Kujou-san. Why don’t you go ahead and burn her image into your memory?”
“Eh? O, okay.”


I shifted my gaze from Miku to Kujou-san. Then our eyes met again. Is it a little too much. Is it bad timing? But after a moment of eye contact, Kujou-san quickly averted her eyes, turned her back, and started walking quickly down the hallway.


“Ah, you might have just creeped her out.”
“Eh, seriously?”


She smirked at me with a nasty smile. I couldn’t help but be unnerved by her words. I can’t believe she hates me just for looking at her. No, if I keep looking at her, she might be creeped out. Besides, I might have inconvenienced her.


I nodded my head and went into the teacher’s office. I piled up a pile of printouts on the desk of Fujikawa-sensei, the modern Japanese teacher, and headed out of the office. Then, just as we were about to leave the office, we heard our names called. We turned around to see our math teacher beckoning us over.


“Kirisaki, Asamiya! One of you, can you help me carry these printouts.”


A request that came out of the blue. Miku looked like she’s in trouble. I guess I’ll handle this one.


“I’ll handle this.”
“Oh! You’re the man! Thanks, then!”


Then Miku gave a toothy smile and walked lightly towards the classroom. I went to the math teacher who smiled questionably at me. He said one of us, so I guess I could carry them all by myself. With that in mind, I entered the teacher’s office again. However, my prediction was shattered.


If I carry it, I won’t be able to see what’s in front of me…….


“So, Kirisaki, I’m counting on you.”
“Y, yes.”


When I replied with the corners of my mouth twitching, he nodded in satisfaction. Then, the number above his head went up from 40 to 42. Somehow, his impression of me had gone up.


Anyway, now that I had taken on the task, I had to finish it. Carefully I was carrying the pile of printouts, I walked forward, paying utmost attention to my feet.


Now, the first turn. First, I have to make sure there is no one around. As I cautiously peeked my head out, a voice called out to me from behind.


“U, ummm…….”


I replied, “Yes,” and turned around. To my surprise, there was Kujou-san. She had long eyelashes and big eyes. I felt as if I was being sucked into her eyes, but when she suddenly appeared at close range, I threw the print up in the air.


“I, I’m sorry.”
“No, no, don’t worry. It was my fault that I had lost my grip.”


I crouched down, uttering a mysterious polite tone. I then gathered up the printouts, and Kujou-san helped me gather them up. While I was collecting them, I caught a glimpse of her face.


When I finished collecting all the printouts and held them up again, Kujou-san called out to me again.


“Umm, can I help you?”
“D, don’t worry, I’m fine! This is my job! I’ll just accept your feeling!”


What a mesmerizing voice. It’s as if my heart is being purified. I may have exaggerated a little. But I can’t believe we were able to exchange words like this. I’m glad I volunteered myself to be a printout carrier.


As I was thanking my past self, the corner of Kujou-san’s eyebrows lowered.


“I’m sorry. I apologize if I’m bothering you.”
“Ah, emmm…….”


This is bad……. I feel like I just made a bad choice. Maybe the right choice would have been to get her help and enjoy the walk to the classroom.


“I, I think I’m going to need some help with this…….?”


When I glanced at her, Kujou-san’s expression brightened up. Then she took half of the stack of printouts I was holding.


What a wonderful person. She’s perfect in appearance, and she’s kind-hearted as well, I guess the term “perfect” is fitting to her.


The two of us then walked side by side, carrying the printouts. Along the way, the boys kept giving us a lot of stares. That was inevitable……. Kujou-san is so popular. So, it’s not surprising that they would look at me with hostility.


However, Kujou-san beside me seemed to be in a good mood with the corner of her mouth slightly raised, as if she hadn’t noticed the surrounding. I managed to get past the stinging stares and arrived at my class. Together with Kujou-san, I put the printouts on the teacher’s table, and the eyes of the class gather.


Miku’s chin was quivering, and she looked as if she was witnessing the end of the world. In the midst of all this, only Haruki was smiling at me. He seemed to be happy about the situation. It’s a selfish interpretation of mine, though.


“Thank you, Kujou-san. Thanks to you, I was able to safely clear my duty.”


When I said that and gave her a smile, Kujou-san turned over with the corner of her mouth raised. Did she seem to be a little flushed?


“Do, don’t worry. I’m happy to be of help to Kirisaki-kun.”
“N, no, that’s exaggerating……., e, eh?”


How do you know my name, Kujou-san? Don’t tell me she remembers the names of everyone in our grade?


As I froze in disbelief, Kujou-san bowed and hurried out of the classroom. Then, the boys came by. They asked me why I was with her and interrogated me as if to spill out the whole story. When I told them that initially I had been approached by her, they cuffed me, saying that they didn’t need such lies.


Finally, I was released and stretched out with my forehead on the desk. As expected of the Four Heavenly Queens, the competition was different. As I let out a sigh of exhaustion at the thought of having to concentrate on math next, Miku and Haruki came over. Then, I saw Miku change her expression and violently slam her hands on my desk.


“You, what the heck is going on earlier? D, don’t tell me, You give Kujou-san any strange drugs?”
“Of course not. You’ve been so much harsh since yesterday. It’s true, she herself approached and talked to me.”


This is all I have to say. However, Miku, like other classmates, had a look of distrust on her face. Next to her, Haruki was smiling softly. I really do have a good friend here.


“You did it, Touma. From the looks of her, you’ll have a chance to talk to her again.”
“Haruki is the only one who says so.”
“Haha, I don’t think it’s a strange thing to say. It doesn’t matter whether she’s the Four Heavenly Queens or not, you still can talk to her.”


Really, Haruki is such a generous boy. Even though he is a perfect man, he is not snobby, or rather, he has the eyes to see people as equals. However, Miku, standing beside him, still has an incredulous look on her face.


“Well, a coincident, sure it’s just a coincidence. You should thank her for that.”
“Of course, I’ll.”


Although her words were harsh, she might have been cheering me on. Haruki nodded in response to Miku’s words.


“Why don’t you thank her on your way home today, Fuyuma?
“Yo, you’re right. A, alright.”
“Haha. Don’t be so hard on him. Then, how about I give you a little help if you want.”
“I’ll ask you then…….”


When I answered with a lack of confidence, Miku let out a big sigh.


“Really, Haruki is too soft on Touma. You’re only making him more of a slacker.”
“Wha……. I myself can at least thank her, okay. You’ll see.”
“Kay, kay. Good luck with that yees~.”


Then Miku turned away with a fluttering wave of her hand. Following her, Haruki smiled and returned to his seat.


I, I’ll do it! I’m going to thank her!


I wonder if I can do……. I’m getting anxious.



[To be Continued]

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